It is the nineteenth century and Scandinavia is a region of change; warped by war, industrialization, revolutions, inspiration, education, colonialism abroad and the questioning of old truths. 

In the city of Upsala, the Society has reemerged. Seeking to revitalize Castle Gyllencreutz, those gifted with the sight are charged with tracking down the vaesen and protecting mortal folk from the hidden horrors beyond their sight...

Mythic North: Upsala is a random generic NPC/PC generator for use with  VAESEN. It currently contains:

  • 200+ Surnames.
  • 250+ Designations
  • Doings about in Upsala.
  • Family and their Proximity.
  • Appearance and notable outfit.
  • Supernatural beliefs.

To Use:

  • Click the [Refresh] Button or Refresh the Page.

The Mythic North: Upsala is an independent production by Brian Yaksha and is not affiliated with Fria Ligan. It is published freely as a resource for use with the game VAESEN by Johan Egerkrans, with no infringement intended.

Rated 5.0 out of 5 stars
(2 total ratings)
AuthorGoatman's Goblet


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I got ddosed and someone added upsala and the mythic north to my ID folder. Genuinely one of the nicest things someone has ever done for me.


I wish I could give you a a hug. You have taken so much stress off of my back as a  GM. May nothing but good luck come your way. 

I'm glad to hear it! Of all the tools I've ever made, I feel like this is the least used - but it was fun to make.