Yes, I would believe so. The ones for the adventure modules are more than appropriate to show, as flow/movement in those locations were designed with more of a board game type approach than a dungeon discovery approach. As for any other maps in the book, such as Antevol or the Rift map at the start; go for it - though I highly encourage you to make your own, as the first was loose in its framing and the other was just there to give a sense of place without prescribing anything.
Just downloaded this again and forgot how fantastic it is. Highly recommended for anybody who backed the new edition of Knave. Any info on the follow up issue? Would love to see more of Mar-Milloir.
Its a somewhat sad, albeit common problem; in that its mostly all done, it has all the art I ordered for it done (literally years ago at this point) - but it just needs that bit more extra polish and I'm no longer in a circumstance where I can actually and actively pour myself into it.
When I was really going whole hog on Issue 2 I was working a pretty terrible factory gig that paid well enough but was destroying my knees and my sanity; and then we got hit with the pandemic -- which in turn allowed me to have a safety net for a bit, as nobody needed quasi-legal waterbeds during said pandemic. Factory shuttered, PUA allowed me to finally get a computer that didn't murder itself when I was running photoshop -- and for a time, I was really banging on all cylinders with Rakehell 2.
But things changed, lost some roommates, still marooned in NYC despite the state of all things, ended up doing work for others/books for others which I enjoyed and stand by, but which were ultimately just there to pay the rent. Then I also turned 30, lost a good portion of my peer group overnight due to a good many of them leaning into some horrible things they decided to be okay with, and the existentialism hit me for a bit.
That was two years ago at this point, as I'm 32 now. Its rough goings, more often than not, but I've begun rebuilding, and I've begun focusing again on aspects of the craft that I personally love - and I do want to get Rakehell 2 out at some point -- I spent a lot of money on art, token pieces and a cover by some artists I've been friends with for almost over a decade each at this point.
But the rent still needs paying, and times are tough all over. Its on my list of things to do when I've got a moment to breathe, a moment to not be held in the cage of month to month anxieties of making said rent. Which is all more complicated now having gotten covid (literally back in March, never stopped masking, up to date on my shots, but it happened) and having been dealing with compounding fatigue issues ever since.
I'd love to get back into it. It does bring me joy as a setting, to pour in all my woebegone eruditic malaise into some purple prose by way of a poisoned pen - but alas, its an issue of 'maybe someday' rather than anything I can give a proper time table to.
Glad you like it, and I appreciate the kind words. All the best,
- Brian
Have some art, just to know that it still lives though it languishes on my hard drive. Some of the main NPC tokens, some player tokens, and the cover. Perhaps not the stylistic choice some would desire, but they're done by Peter Violini, my current roomie and a guy I made comics with for six years. Cover by Tish Doolin, who is also a comic friend from way back when.
The pause on the work is understandable. I hope your health improves as nothing is important as that. The art looks great, especially that cover. Thank you for sharing and take care of yourself!
Is there any chance of a complete POD or hardcover with all the rakehell material collected in a single work? (Ideally a digest size, small books are neat)
This setting is really interesting, It reminds me of Dark Souls and Elden Ring. I have a request, though: Could you add the maps for Bandit's Manse and Maw of the Mountain as PNGs?
Sure, I'll see if I still have those in raw (as these were from a good while/several computers ago), and I'll comment again here once I've done so. Glad you liked it!
Added those two dungeon maps to the downloads; as I apparently did have them (albeit not at the largest size, as this was years ago before I had gotten a bit better at bashing things together.)
I'll be honest with you, I haven't the slightest idea. I never really did much of the back end stuff with itch when I first set things up here; and this is the first time this has been brought to my attention; like to the point that I didn't know those weren't one and the same in most cases. I'll look into this and try to figure it out; sorry for the inconvenience.
I believe SoulMuppet did another print run of them, I'll check in with him to see if/when any will be resupplied state-side. Worst case scenario, you absolutely do have my permission to get it printed locally at a print shop if the option is open to you.
any way to pay for this without paypal? I have issues with pp in my country, would be glad to be able to just pay via card -- seem to be able to do this on most other purchases here on itchio..
Since it’s so thick, I’ve been using it as an excuse to learn a bit of bookbinding. I’ve split it into four signatures and have sewn it up with cloth tabs. Cut case cards and I’ve got a decent enough printer that I’d like to try my hand at the color cover. Any chance we could get the proper cover as a PDF?
Also, there are a few dark pages in the book proper; so if you can give me til this evening I can probably cobble together a printer-friendly version without much art or black pages getting in the way.
There have been snags with layout revisions given the small size of the operation (i.e., just me and a friend of mine), most of which having to do with the price of housing in the cheaper areas of NYC and a data entry job that ended up being a very workplace violation filled factory job; among other more unpleasant things which makes free time for productivity hard to come by.
I am sorry for the inconvenience, but if you do get it printed for yourself let me know how it turns out.
No problem, and I was just kidding! I'm happy to print it out. It's excellent work, and I'll juts be happy to have a physical copy no matter how I get it.
Yes there is, once we finish polishing out some layout issues and maybe add a bit more to it. Until such a time, feel free to print it out on a service of your choice.
I'll also try to figure out if I can do coupons for the printed version for anyone who bought the pdf, as it'll be done via DriveThruRPG.
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Hi! Would the maps included in this module be appropriate for showing to players during VTT play?
Yes, I would believe so. The ones for the adventure modules are more than appropriate to show, as flow/movement in those locations were designed with more of a board game type approach than a dungeon discovery approach. As for any other maps in the book, such as Antevol or the Rift map at the start; go for it - though I highly encourage you to make your own, as the first was loose in its framing and the other was just there to give a sense of place without prescribing anything.
Just downloaded this again and forgot how fantastic it is. Highly recommended for anybody who backed the new edition of Knave. Any info on the follow up issue? Would love to see more of Mar-Milloir.
Its a somewhat sad, albeit common problem; in that its mostly all done, it has all the art I ordered for it done (literally years ago at this point) - but it just needs that bit more extra polish and I'm no longer in a circumstance where I can actually and actively pour myself into it.
When I was really going whole hog on Issue 2 I was working a pretty terrible factory gig that paid well enough but was destroying my knees and my sanity; and then we got hit with the pandemic -- which in turn allowed me to have a safety net for a bit, as nobody needed quasi-legal waterbeds during said pandemic. Factory shuttered, PUA allowed me to finally get a computer that didn't murder itself when I was running photoshop -- and for a time, I was really banging on all cylinders with Rakehell 2.
But things changed, lost some roommates, still marooned in NYC despite the state of all things, ended up doing work for others/books for others which I enjoyed and stand by, but which were ultimately just there to pay the rent. Then I also turned 30, lost a good portion of my peer group overnight due to a good many of them leaning into some horrible things they decided to be okay with, and the existentialism hit me for a bit.
That was two years ago at this point, as I'm 32 now. Its rough goings, more often than not, but I've begun rebuilding, and I've begun focusing again on aspects of the craft that I personally love - and I do want to get Rakehell 2 out at some point -- I spent a lot of money on art, token pieces and a cover by some artists I've been friends with for almost over a decade each at this point.
But the rent still needs paying, and times are tough all over. Its on my list of things to do when I've got a moment to breathe, a moment to not be held in the cage of month to month anxieties of making said rent. Which is all more complicated now having gotten covid (literally back in March, never stopped masking, up to date on my shots, but it happened) and having been dealing with compounding fatigue issues ever since.
I'd love to get back into it. It does bring me joy as a setting, to pour in all my woebegone eruditic malaise into some purple prose by way of a poisoned pen - but alas, its an issue of 'maybe someday' rather than anything I can give a proper time table to.
Glad you like it, and I appreciate the kind words.
All the best,
- Brian
Have some art, just to know that it still lives though it languishes on my hard drive. Some of the main NPC tokens, some player tokens, and the cover. Perhaps not the stylistic choice some would desire, but they're done by Peter Violini, my current roomie and a guy I made comics with for six years. Cover by Tish Doolin, who is also a comic friend from way back when.
The pause on the work is understandable. I hope your health improves as nothing is important as that. The art looks great, especially that cover. Thank you for sharing and take care of yourself!
Is there any chance of a complete POD or hardcover with all the rakehell material collected in a single work? (Ideally a digest size, small books are neat)
Paypal doesn't work for me. I am very sad :,(
This setting is really interesting, It reminds me of Dark Souls and Elden Ring. I have a request, though: Could you add the maps for Bandit's Manse and Maw of the Mountain as PNGs?
And the other maps, for that matter.
Sure, I'll see if I still have those in raw (as these were from a good while/several computers ago), and I'll comment again here once I've done so. Glad you liked it!
Added those two dungeon maps to the downloads; as I apparently did have them (albeit not at the largest size, as this was years ago before I had gotten a bit better at bashing things together.)
so why is this only purchasable through Paypal instead of the standard payment method?
I'll be honest with you, I haven't the slightest idea. I never really did much of the back end stuff with itch when I first set things up here; and this is the first time this has been brought to my attention; like to the point that I didn't know those weren't one and the same in most cases. I'll look into this and try to figure it out; sorry for the inconvenience.
- Brian
The physical zine is awesome! I love your tables and descriptors.
Any chance we’ll see this in print again? It doesn’t seem tk be at Exhalted anymore
I believe SoulMuppet did another print run of them, I'll check in with him to see if/when any will be resupplied state-side. Worst case scenario, you absolutely do have my permission to get it printed locally at a print shop if the option is open to you.
it’s back
I bought mine on Exalted Funeral. Just came in the mail today.
any way to pay for this without paypal? I have issues with pp in my country, would be glad to be able to just pay via card -- seem to be able to do this on most other purchases here on itchio..
Since it’s so thick, I’ve been using it as an excuse to learn a bit of bookbinding. I’ve split it into four signatures and have sewn it up with cloth tabs. Cut case cards and I’ve got a decent enough printer that I’d like to try my hand at the color cover. Any chance we could get the proper cover as a PDF?
Sure. Took me a moment to find it (been a few computers since the initial writing of this.)
I'll upload it.
Beautiful, thanks! Here are some process pics of it underway.

This is not just one of my favorite OSR supplements ever. This may very well be one of my favorite RPG supplements overall, ever. It rocks.
Is there a chance for a proper black and white cover for DIY printing at home since the PDF lacks one (it starts directly with a table of contents)?
Sure, I'll whip something up today!
Also, there are a few dark pages in the book proper; so if you can give me til this evening I can probably cobble together a printer-friendly version without much art or black pages getting in the way.
Added a printer friendly image to the downloads/screenshots; let me know if that's still too rough and I'll try to polish that out.
You're going t make me print this myself, aren't you Brian?
It seems likely, yeah. Sorry.
There have been snags with layout revisions given the small size of the operation (i.e., just me and a friend of mine), most of which having to do with the price of housing in the cheaper areas of NYC and a data entry job that ended up being a very workplace violation filled factory job; among other more unpleasant things which makes free time for productivity hard to come by.
I am sorry for the inconvenience, but if you do get it printed for yourself let me know how it turns out.
No problem, and I was just kidding! I'm happy to print it out. It's excellent work, and I'll juts be happy to have a physical copy no matter how I get it.
Actually, just spoke to layout; I should have a finalized revision (with some fixes and the two pamphlet dungeons included) up possibly tonight!
Edit: New version with two dungeons in it is now up in the Downloads section.
Is a print version in the works?
Yes there is, once we finish polishing out some layout issues and maybe add a bit more to it. Until such a time, feel free to print it out on a service of your choice.
I'll also try to figure out if I can do coupons for the printed version for anyone who bought the pdf, as it'll be done via DriveThruRPG.